1. There shall be a Corporate Advisory Committee whose purpose shall be to assist the PAPERS President, Executive Board, and Staff on all matters of importance and interest to the Pennsylvania public pension fund community. The Corporate Advisory Committee shall consist of no more than eight (8) members who shall be appointed from the Affiliate and Associate Membership.

2. Corporate Advisory Committee members shall be nominated by the President of PAPERS and the nominations must be approved by a majority vote of the PAPERS Board of Directors.

3. Corporate Advisory Committee members shall be appointed to a four (4) year term. There are no term limits for Corporate Advisory Committee members. However, all members shall serve at the pleasure of the President of PAPERS.

4. Corporate Advisory Committee members must have an in-depth knowledge and technical expertise on specific areas which affect the public pension fund community.

5. Corporate Advisory Committee members and their respective firms should generally be supportive of the stated purpose and mission of PAPERS.

6. Corporate Advisory Committee members may be chosen from the following areas:

a. Investment/Asset Management Services
b. Consulting Services
c. Custodial Services
d. Professional/Benefit Services
e. Health Care Services
f. And, any other area deemed appropriate, as determined by the PAPERS Board of Directors, as meeting the current needs of PAPERS and the  public pension fund community.

Adopted September 1, 2016